Sanna Saksija
korttiaskartelija Tampereelta
Two ATC's, one with a paper doll from Tim Holtz and another one with a transparent girl sticker. Kaksi ATC:tä, joista toisessa on Tim Ho...
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Kolme kolikkoa lisää
Once I started making ATCoins after a long break, they just kept coming. It's great to see, how different from each other these three ar...
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Three faces from an ad found their ways to an ATCoins-trio. Jossain mainoksessa tuli vastaan tyttökolmikko, jonka leikkasin talteen ja inspi...
Kaikenlaisia kortteja
Different cards I made last year. Tällaisia kortteja oli jäänyt vielä viime vuodelta julkaisematta. Tässä neliökortissa käytin edellisenä vu...
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A nother faux side step card . I love adding pieces that overlap the edges to make this model more 3-dimentional. Papers and images are from...
Hyvää joulua!
Wishing you a merry Christmas with these faux side step cards. I used this tutorial . Hyvää joulua kaikille blogini lukijoille! Iso pino jou...
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Kolme ATC:tä
Three more ATC's with Tim Holtz' paper dolls. In the last two I used background papers from Ciao Bella's pad called "Tango...
Kitaristin hääkortti
I n August we took part in the wedding of our band's guitar player, and this is the card I made for him and the bride. The paper cuts ar...
Tuplis 6/23
I made these two ATC's for a fellow crafter using the two images she had sent me. Again I added paper dolls from Tim Holtz to the cards....
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Tim Holtzin paperinukkeja ATC:issä
I finally bought a set of small paper dolls from Tim Holtz, and their size is perfect for ATC's. In these cards I combined them with spe...
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